Conicon Blog

Young Professionals want to Have Fun, Work Less and Get Paid Higher Salaries

young professionals

Young professionals want to have fun, work less and get paid higher salaries. It can be done!

Yes, it can be done if we rephrase the above. Yes, we can have fun, work less hours and get paid more!


Undigitize Your Business!

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Yes, stop digitalisation! Scrap the whole thing and then start digitalisation all over again.


The establishment of EAMA (European Anger Management Association) is a fact!

european anger management association

Something new and unique have began in Cyprus and Greece. The establishment of the EAMA (European Anger Management Association)! Something that our society urgently needed.


How to choose your Business Consultant

business consulting cyprus

Would you trust your Business Health and Wellbeing for the interest and future to a Business Consultant with no or limited on the job experience and track record?


How to choose a Trainer?

conicon trainers cyprus

When choosing a training programme, what is the most important factor you consider:


Diplomacy: How do I Develop This Skill

diplomacy blog eng

Effective communication precedes Diplomacy! We first need to be very good at Communication to take the next step for Diplomacy.


New Year… New Skills!

new year new skills

The start of each year is the most appropriate time to set goals on a personal and professional level and create the conditions to achieve them.


Self-confidence: How to strengthen it

self confidence how to strengthen it

Self-confidence is the way we talk to ourselves about ourselves!!!


Customers – People Remember A Story – What’s your story?

oi pelates eng

Whether we like it or not customers – People remember a story from us!


Economics science is not Physics – Hence Inequality and Exclusion. Hence the Crises.

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In contrast to the physics science whose basic theories are natural, the science of economics is based on theories developed on the basis of human assumptions, many of which do not stand in today’s globalized economy and therefore serve the needs of the few against those  of many.



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